Monday 21 March 2011

When Old Media Meets New Media...

In the beginning we watched our favourite movie stars on film reels, then on tape, followed by DVD and now we watch them online. Enter New Media, a digital revolution which has changed the way we consume our entertainment.

The Bollywood film industry is successfully meeting the market in this time of New Media as Singh (2008) explains, by simultaneously releasing films online as they are made available to cinemas, production companies avoid missing valuable market share. The charm of yesteryear lives on in the film industry with the popularity of cinemas still prominent, however to ignore media trends and growing rates of piracy and online downloads is to ignore revenue (Singh).

The online revolution that exists in the film industry is here to stay and at some point we will all partake of it, either willingly or unwillingly. Some will embrace the change with open arms, while others will remain hesitant. I am one of the 'others'.

I understand the need for the film industry to remain relevant and maintain a legitimate standing within the online market, I am however slightly sentimental when it comes to a trip to the cinemas. Childhood memories of buckets of popcorn so big my little arms could barely wrap around them, fancy red curtains that seemed so regal as they slowly opened across the screen and sitting on my father's lap because I couldn't quite see, traditions that may seem menial, but not to me. The time will come when I will download my first online movie, maybe I will just have to buy a popcorn maker and fill the biggest bowl I have as a means of compromise. 
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Singh, M. (2008).  Bollywood's Viral Video in Time International (Canada Edition), Vol. 171, Issue
           14 . Accessed March 20, 2011 from 

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